
<a href='http://purchasing.hzjly.net'>博彩平台网址大全</a> has selected five of its most impactful leaders and teachers to receive the 太平洋秩序这是大学的最高荣誉.

博彩平台网址大全 has selected five of its most impactful leaders and teachers to receive the 太平洋秩序这是大学的最高荣誉.

这个奖项, 70多年前就开始了, 承认教师, staff and regents who have made a significant contribution to the university over many years. 获奖者将在5月11日的毕业典礼上接受表彰.


  • 弗吉尼亚·陈,前摄政王
  • 健康与运动科学系教授佩格·奇科莱拉说
  • 伊芙·康尼(夜城市大学)教授兼执行副院长. 杜戈尼牙科学院
  • 辛迪里昂, professor and 口腔健康教育副院长 at the Dugoni School
  • 艾伦黄, professor and program director for Advanced Education in General Dentistry at the Dugoni School




维吉尼亚陈 ' 77

Chan’s generosity has had a transformative impact across Pacific’s three campuses for more than 40 years. 弗吉尼亚·陈和她丈夫送的礼物, 摄政王陈振聪, 是否支持了大量的学习和居住空间,并设立了奖学金.

1977年毕业于托马斯J. 龙药学院, 陈还曾担任三届校董会成员, 她将在任职9年后于2023年完成最后一届任期.

“维吉尼亚陈 embodies the Pacific spirit of service,” said President Christopher Callahan. “我非常感谢她多年来的领导, from serving as co-chair of our hugely successful Leading with Purpose campaign to providing immeasurable guidance as a regent. Her immense contributions have made a meaningful difference in the lives of our students.”

Chan is a member of the 1851 Society, which acknowledges the university’s most generous donors.

In 2023, the Chans were awarded the university’s highest alumni honor, the Medallion of Excellence. They also received the Outstanding Family Award from the Pacific 校友 Association in 2016. Twelve family members have attended Pacific, including their two children Jonathan ’09 and Megan ’13.

Chan is the former president of Covina 药店 and successfully operates 16 community pharmacies with her husband.

“Virginia never missed an opportunity to show extra care and kindness to her patients,1975年摄政王康斯韦洛·卡拉汉在她的提名信中写道. “She had a loyal following of patients because she always made her patients feel special and ensured that their medical needs were met.”




From creating new academic programs to driving gender equity in athletics to championing change in student life, Ciccolella对整个大学产生了巨大的影响.

在太平洋公司近40年的职业生涯中, Peg’s contributions have extended significantly beyond the expectations of her position; she has enriched the life of the university,马克·凡·内斯说, 健康和运动科学教授兼主席. “佩格是一位忠实而敬业的老师、导师、领导者和仆人.”

Ciccolella于1985年加入太平洋公司. 在太平洋工作期间, she has designed degrees in health and exercise science as well as public health and community wellness.

Her background in law (she earned a law degree in 1993) has also helped drive the Pacific Legal Scholars and pre-law program in 太平洋学院.

As a member of the 体育运动 Advisory Board and former athletic director and coach at two different colleges, Ciccolella was a driving force in changing how Pacific compensates its women coaches and how women’s sports teams are served.

In 2009, 她主持了太平洋娱乐公司的项目审查, 导致了几项实质性的改进. 多年来,她对学生的奉献为她赢得了学生生活的最高荣誉, 朱迪思·钱伯斯学生生活优秀奖.


她曾获得斯帕诺斯杰出教学奖, 运动训练表彰奖和杰出女性奖, 等.




该国最重要的感染控制专家之一, 市立大学一直在为亚瑟大学的学生提供教育. 杜戈尼牙科学院自1984年以来.

她帮助开发了Dugoni学校的个性化教学项目, which provides students an opportunity to work with a mentor on a special-interest project. She also has worked closely with students to organize annual global service-learning trips to Jamaica, 菲律宾, 墨西哥和其他地方.

“Professor Cuny exemplifies the humanistic approach we value so much at the Dugoni School,辛迪·里昂教授说, 口腔健康教育副院长. “她是我们终身学习的最佳榜样之一, 仆人领导, 基于证据的问题解决和全球公民意识.”

在COVID-19大流行期间, Cuny led COVID-19 vaccine clinics on the San Francisco campus and for the community. She also became the Dugoni School’s first female executive associate dean in 2020.




Lyon began teaching at the Dugoni School in 2001 and was founding director of the school’s dental hygiene program from 2002-07.

She began working in the field as a dental assistant in 1974 and eventually went on to earn her DDS degree from Dugoni in 1986. 2009年,她还获得了博彩平台网址大全贝纳德学院的教育学博士学位.

她的领导对牙科学院产生了显著的影响, 特别是在大流行期间.

“Cindy worked tirelessly to ensure our students received the same high level of education when programming was completely remote due to local health orders,院长兼副教务长纳德·纳德沙希说. “她快速处理信息的能力, determine the best course of action and implement effective interventions was truly invaluable during that challenging time.”

里昂也是一位多产的研究者, 撰写了17篇同行评审的出版物,并撰写了两本书的章节, 在其他出版物中.

她获得了杜戈尼学校校友会的最高奖项, the Medallion of Distinction in 2019 for her significant contributions to the school and dentistry profession.



艾伦黄, 83, 86, 09


他于1983年毕业于太平洋学院, earned his dental degree from the Dugoni School in 1986 and completed his residency in the school’s Sacramento program in 1987 before joining the faculty the same year. He later earned a Doctor of Education degree from Pacific’s Benerd College in 2009.

One of his most impactful roles was as program director of the Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency program, 他在2012年接管了这家公司.

“Dr. 黄给这个项目带来了对得不到充分服务的病人的人文关怀, a broad knowledge of the care of patients with special needs and an incredible work ethic,保罗·苏巴说, 诊断科学系主任, adding that “he is incredibly supportive of the students fortunate to have crossed his path, 一路上教育和激励了数百名学生.”

作为他对服务的坚定承诺的一部分, 王指导学生在斐济的全球宣教团中提供护理, served as a Global Clinical Advisor for the Special Olympics Special Smiles program and was instrumental in spearheading COVID-19 vaccination distributions for hundreds of developmentally and physically disabled people during the pandemic.

在他获得的众多奖项中, he received the American 牙科 Association’s Humanitarian Dentist recognition in 2011 and was awarded the Medallion of Distinction from the Dugoni School in 2022.