Why International Relations?

Long term success in any profession — law, 教育, 业务, 政府或非营利服务-需要国际领域的知识.  

Success After Pacific

成功的姐姐毕业生可以在世界各地找到:在华盛顿的全球智库.C., in large companies, 律师事务所, and entrepreneurial not-for-profit ventures; in well regarded master's and doctoral programs; and teaching in their own classrooms.

Three-Year Option

You have the option to earn your bachelor’s degree in three years. 尽自己的一份力量保持在正轨上,你就可以在本科阶段少学一年. 这意味着大大节省了学费,你的职业生涯也有了一个快速的开始.

About International Relations


All students at the School of International Studies study abroad. If you are interested in international affairs, or if you want to be an international professional, 在另一个国家生活和学习的经历是无可替代的.

student in Paraguay

All students at the School of International Studies are required to study abroad. For anyone interested in international affairs, or who  wants to be an international professional, 在另一个国家生活和学习的经历是无可替代的.

我们希望将您的个人和职业兴趣与合适的地点和合适的留学经历相匹配. 这就是为什么我们现在为您提供60多个国家的100多个项目网站.

Our students tell us that living abroad is the most valuable personal, 教育, and professional experience they could have had. It is a voyage of self-discovery as well as professional preparation; an adventure on which it is not unusual to find your future career path. Many combine their academic study abroad with internships, making professional contacts along the way. 对于任何有兴趣开始国际职业生涯的人来说,在国外生活是必不可少的.

博彩平台网址大全的海外学习项目由柏克德国际中心的国际项目服务办公室管理. 留学顾问知道你的选择,以及各种留学项目符合国际关系学院专业要求的方式. You can meet major and general 教育 requirements while studying abroad, and all units earned abroad count toward graduation.

Outstanding Student
比安卡Piedro Learns About US-Mexico Relations

In 2019, 比安卡·彼得罗在美利坚合众国驻蒙特雷领事馆实习了六个星期, 新莱昂州, Mexico working in the Commercial Service section.

About the International Relations Major

国际关系专业是为对全球和国际研究感兴趣的学生设计的. 国际研究学院将综合性大学的资源和体验式学习与严格的国际课程相结合, 跨学科和跨文化课程,旨在为您在政府的全球专业成功做好准备, 行业, 教育 and nonprofit organizations.

In addition to the CORE Requirements and General Education Requirements, you will choose a series of upper division electives, in consultation with your adviser, that allows you to focus on political science, anthropology or economics. 这些学科中的每一个都为在美国和国外的一系列职业提供了良好的基础.


Choose an area of focus:

政治学高年级选修课由对比较政治和国际政治感兴趣的学生选修. 除了从不同学科角度研究国际政治的人类学课程外,学生还可以选修多达三门国际政治或比较政治的高年级课程. 这为学生在政府和法律领域的职业生涯以及研究生院做好了准备.

人类学高年级选修课是由对文化和学习人类行为多样性感兴趣的学生选修的. 除了从不同学科角度探讨社会和文化变化的政治科学课程外,你还可以选修最多三门人类学高级课程. These courses prepare you for working and living in different cultural settings, as well as for graduate school. 

对国际经济学感兴趣的学生选修高年级经济学选修课, or who intend to work in international 业务. If you wish to focus on international economics, you can take two upper-division courses in economics, 除了政治科学和人类学课程,从他们学科的角度来处理经济问题. 这个专业为你今后从事商业和经济工作以及研究生学习做准备.


Bachelor of Arts in International Relations
人类学 Minor
International Studies Minor
Ready to take the next step?
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students at international studies career forum
School of International Studies
209.946.2650 director姐姐@hzjly.net

George Wilson Hall