Ready to 应用?

准学生申请硕士-营养科学计划使用 Slate application, which includes four sections: Personal Information, Academic 历史, Supporting Information and Program Materials.

入学s Deadline 

The MS - Nutrition Science program has a rolling admissions deadline, 这意味着申请将继续被接收和审查,直到班级满员. Complete your application by the 2025年队列的优先截止日期为2024年9月15日,将于2025年1月开始. 申请将继续被接受,并在10月31日优先截止日期之前进行审查, 2024. 该计划的目标是尽快做出录取决定,为申请人提供足够的时间来计划.

students looking at laptop

入学 Requirements

  • 获得地区认可机构的学士学位
  • 平均绩点:2.65 or higher
  • 当前注册营养师/营养学家证书或来自营养学教学计划(DPD)的验证声明或来自营养学实习的验证声明或意向声明
  • GRE is not required
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Up to 9 transfer units can be granted for prior coursework, with priority given to advanced clinical credentials, on a case-by-case basis*

*被考虑的高级临床证书必须具有与获得相关经验的小时数和认证考试的成功表现相关的要求. Examples include those administered by CDR:

Upon admission to the Pacific MS - Nutrition Science program, 被录取的学生必须在课程开始日期之前满足以下要求.

  • Criminal Background Screening. 该计划要求学生在入学前接受背景审查,并在入学期间定期进行背景审查. 学生对与背景审查相关的费用负有受托责任. 最近的违规行为尚未裁决和积极的背景调查结果可能导致开除该计划. 申请人在Slate系统中填写申请时,无论时间和安排如何,都必须诚实. 在入学前背景筛选中发现的差异将被调查,并可能导致拒绝入学或被开除. 也, 一些临床实习要求在轮转开始前立即进行额外的背景筛选. 因此, 学生在入学期间可能需要完成多次背景筛选, at the student’s expense.

未来的学生通过完成在线申请MSNS项目 Slate application, which includes the four sections below. Students will also submit a $50 application fee.

  1. Personal Information
    • Student enters biographical information and Slate release statement.
  2. Academic 历史
    • Student lists colleges attended and respective GPAs.
    • 成绩单. 高中后就读的所有机构的正式成绩单(包括职业/技术学校的成绩单), must be submitted in Slate as part of the application. 学生可以在Slate上订购他们所就读院校的正式成绩单. 请不要在申请阶段将成绩单寄给博彩平台网址大全.
  3. Supporting Information
    • 简历/简历. 学生在申请的文件部分上传简历/简历. 简历必须包括你的工作和志愿者经历以及课外活动.
  4. Program Materials
    • Three short-essay questions. 学生将在Slate文本框中输入他们的短文回答. Each short essay should be no more than 300 words.
    • Two letters of recommendation. Students will send requests to their recommenders within Slate. 推荐人将被要求向Slate提交他们的推荐. At least one letter must come from an academic faculty member. 第二封信可以是工作/志愿者主管或额外的学术教员.
    • Proof of RDN credential. 作为执业营养师的申请人必须上传其RDN证书的证明,并包括其注册编号.
    • Verification Statement or Declaration of Intent. DPD和DI项目的毕业生必须上传由DPD或DI主任签署的验证声明. 目前的实习生必须更新由项目主管签发的意向声明表.

对入学要求和Slate申请有疑问吗? Our Pacific 研究生 入学s team is here to help:

Office of 研究生 入学
Knoles Hall, 2nd Floor, Room 207B
3601 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95211

A selection committee, comprising the Program Director and faculty, 审查资格和技能,并使用标准化的申请人计分表对每个申请人进行评分. A committee approach is used to prevent unconscious biases. The selection committee selects students on a competitive basis, based on their application and interview.

MS -营养科学计划使用以下选择标准来评估申请人在该计划中取得成功的能力,并按重要性排列如下:

  • Academic Preparation — 一个优秀的申请者必须在专业营养课程和普通科学课程上都做得很好, 特别关注高级营养(宏量营养素和微量营养素代谢), 解剖学, 生理学, and biochemistry courses.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation — 你的推荐信应该由那些足够了解你的人来评论你的优点, your achievements and those qualities that will make you successful.
  • Essay Questions — 申请人对博彩平台网址大全三个短文题的回答将被回顾. Strong responses:
  • Address all components of the questions
  • Include specific examples
  • Follow the instructions
  • Highlight your skills and suitability for the program, including leadership skills, critical thinking and problem-solving and professionalism.
  • 简历/简历- 有价值的工作和/或学习经历赋予了申请人责任, time man年龄ment, problem-solving, ability to work with others and leadership skills.
  • 采访中, 遴选委员会邀请符合条件的申请人进行面试. Strong interview candidates demonstrate effective communication, professional skills, problem-solving and personal self-reflection and attributes.

Up to 9 transfer units can be granted for prior coursework, with priority given to advanced clinical credentials, on a case-by-case basis*.

*被考虑的高级临床证书必须具有与获得相关经验的小时数和认证考试的成功表现相关的要求. Examples include those administered by CDR:


  • Reliable access to a computer and the Internet
  • 基本的计算机知识,包括但不限于有效的导航学习管理系统(太平洋使用Canvas), proficiency in using office software such as MS Word and Powerpoint, ability to communicate via email, and ability to join video conferences (eg. via Zoom and/or Microsoft Teams)

Non-discrimination Policy

大学的政策是不分种族录取合格的学生, 年龄, 性别, color, 信条, national origin, 宗教, sexual orientation, or disability. 被考虑进入大学提供的任何课程, 学生必须具备相应项目招生委员会认为必要的学术证书和专业属性,以便选择该项目.

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Pacific’s FAFSA school code is 001329.