Nancy DeGuire

Nancy DeGuire

Clinical Professor
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PharmD, University of the Pacific, 1989



At Pacific Since: 1997

Nancy L. DeGuire '89, PharmD, 1989年,她在博彩平台网址大全获得药学博士学位,并于1990年在退伍军人管理医疗中心完成了研究生住院医师培训. 在朗斯药店从事社区药房管理和病人护理工作十年之后, she joined the Pacific family in 1997. 她喜欢与学生和教师一起工作,通过帮助培养优秀的专业药剂师来提高药学专业.

In her current role, Dr. DeGuire除了负责监督对外关系外,还负责专业药学课程的教学, continuing professional education, marketing and public relations, alumni and donor relations, program development and fundraising for the School. 她的团队为学校筹集了超过4000万美元的外部资金用于设施建设, program development, scholarship and equipment for research.

她在药学实践领域的专业领域包括文化能力, health literacy, professionalism, technology and public health. She is a mentor to students and faculty. 2009年,她获得了太平洋的Podesto教学和指导奖, 这是学校学生生活部授予的最高荣誉, 以表彰她在指导学生方面的杰出工作.

她曾在加州药剂师协会(CPhA)董事会任职。, 美国咨询药剂师协会加利福尼亚分会和美国药学学院协会. Dr. DeGuire于2010年担任CPhA众议院议长. 她也是美国药剂师协会的成员, the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, the National Community Pharmacists Association, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy, 美国药物科学家协会和美国药剂师学院.

Teaching Interests

Teaching Philosophy
“当我们想到我们多年教育中遇到的最好的老师时, those that made us feel cared for, important, 重视和认可可能是他们的共同特征. They were challenging, yet caring; disciplined, yet flexible; rigorous, yet empathetic. They set boundaries and expectations, 然而,他们表现出一种养育的态度和对我们成功的真诚承诺. 他们真正关心我们的教育,更重要的是,我们的人类发展. 药学专业与教学的关系是一致的:教师之于药师,犹如学生之于病人.

我努力帮助我的学生,就像我学会如何最好地帮助我的病人一样. 这意味着重视每个人,倾听以理解他们的立场和感受. 我永远不会拒绝那些可能需要多种解释才能理解复杂和陌生概念的病人. 在所有卫生专业人员中,获得药剂师服务的比例最高, a privilege of our position in the medical community. I believe that, as a professor, I should be equally accessible to my students, 给他们个人成长的时间和我希望他们给未来病人的时间一样多或更多. 病人的需求往往不符合特定的时间表...sometimes they need us when it’s not convenient. 我相信学生往往有同样的需求,作为教育的实践者, I consider it an honor to be called upon for help. 如果我们和病人有私人关系,他们会觉得可以信任我们, 如果我们能叫出它们的名字,知道它们的历史, this demonstrates our commitment to them.

那些努力知道学生名字的教授,那些努力在适当的界限内发展个人关系的教授,通常会看到学生对学习的更大投入. 药剂师发誓要对他们提供给病人的结果和护理负责. 作为一名教育工作者,我对我的学生负有同样的责任. 当病人有多种学习方法时,他们有时学得最好. Students need multiple ways to learn as well. 确定资源来帮助学生进行学术和病人护理的追求意味着有时我不是最好的资源, but I must help them to find an alternative. 作为学习者,病人和学生有很多共同点...but no two are alike. Individual needs vary from student to student. 我努力帮助每一个学生成为一个终身学习者, 享受和满足于持续的专业和个人发展,并变得负责任, respected and caring professionals. I do this by engaging in reading, 写作和反思性思考与我的专业领域相关, as well as those outside of my discipline. I strive to make learning an engaging, active, fun, 对我自己,对我的学生和我的病人,都是令人满意和充实的努力.

我实践专业行为,并以那些我认为能促进药学专业发展的行为为榜样,为学生和同事树立适当的榜样. I believe in encouraging each individual to work hard, to be accountable for their own work, to reflect on what they can do better, 庆祝成功,坚持他们认为对病人最好的东西. 我相信向别人寻求帮助是一种勇敢的行为,也是一种道德义务,如果学习或改善病人的护理是危在旦夕的. I seek to find the positive side of each person, situation and interaction and model this for students. 我致力于帮助每个学生感受到自己的价值、鼓励、好奇和希望.

我希望每个学生都能为自己的命运负责, and to remain a learner for a lifetime. Learning is not a spectator sport. The development of a professional, 负责和自律的药剂师是一个持续的过程, 这些特征的实现将在每天的基础上进行评估.”

PHRM 111 — Pharmacy Practice and Professionalism
PRAC 130 — Multicultural Pharmacy Practice
PRAC 140 — Fundamentals of Health Literacy

Research Focus

Research Interests

  • Social and cultural impact on patient care
  • Cognitive and applied positive psychology