
Dear Pacific students, faculty and 工作人员:

在过去的几个月里,博彩平台网址大全的教职员工一直在不知疲倦地工作,准备在新学年全面开放我们的博彩平台网址大全. That preparation has advanced remarkably well, with new health and safety protocols; course reconfigurations; advanced teaching technologies; redesigned classrooms; intensive sanitizing procedures; and screening, testing and tracing capabilities ready to launch on our Stockton, Sacramento and San Francisco campuses.

但随着学年开始的临近,我们的计划一直是基于COVID-19的状况. 不幸的是, 过去一个月,我们地区整个春季的COVID-19病例率持平且相对较低,这一趋势迅速加快. 因此, we have determined that it would be unwise to reopen our campuses as we had hoped and planned. 学生们的健康和安全让我们很多人感到失望——当然也不是我们所期望的这个学期, faculty and 工作人员 must and will always take precedence.

不过, our new plans for the fall semester, with nearly all of our teaching and learning conducted remotely, 将为我们的学生提供一流的太平洋教育,并结合我们鼓舞人心的无与伦比的技能, 在我们169年的历史中,加州第一所特许大学的标志是教育创新精神的敬业和关怀的教职员工. And we are adding dozens of new innovative and interactive academic, 专业, recreational and social experiences that will add to the richness of the Pacific fall semester.


我们的教师, 他们在3月份的几天内成功地将他们的课程从校园学习体验转变为远程课程, have now spent months refining their remote classes. 他们正在利用新技术和最佳实践,并与教学与学习中心合作,提供太平洋质量的教育,吸引来自世界各地的学生在我们的大学学习和成长. 我们的学生将在同样的日子和时间与同样的教授和同样的同学在同样的班级注册, immersed in the same material and achieving the same learning goals. The only difference will be the place of learning.

此外, 我们的教师, 各院系和学校正在为秋季的学生开发额外的学习体验,以增强课程体验, 包括小型队列研究和讨论小组,以及定期与教师和顾问进行一对一的会议.

与此同时, 威廉诺克斯霍尔特纪念图书馆和学习中心将扩大其产品,以帮助学生取得成功, including the virtual delivery of the Student Writing Center, 一对一辅导服务, re搜索 consultations and sessions on effective note taking, 阅读策略, study groups and supplemental instruction for gateway courses in biology and chemistry. 学生, faculty and 工作人员 will have remote access to the library’s nearly 400,000 e-books and e-journals plus publisher databases and 40,超过000个流媒体视频. The print collection of books and journals will be mailed to remote users on request.

学生 will be hearing directly from their deans shortly on specifics about their academic programs.

Learning and Living Beyond the Classroom

课堂之外, 太平洋正在最大限度地利用这一机会,创造一个全新的、广泛的远程联合课程学习体验组合. 来自全国各地和世界各地的太平洋学生将能够虚拟地聚集在一起,参与数十场对话, interactive activities and panel discussions each week featuring our fantastic Pacific faculty, 工作人员, 校友和其他世界专家.

我们的学校和大学将每周举办活动,重点关注未来工程师面临的最重要问题, 老师, 音乐家, 律师, 药剂师, 牙医, 商业和公民领袖, 政策制定者, 医疗保健专业人员等等. 另外, we will offer weekly explorations of some of the most critical issues today in our society – race, 公平和社会正义, COVID-19 and the 2020 presidential election. 整个大学社区将聚集在一起,每周举行特别活动,邀请全球专家讨论关键话题. Many special sessions already have been lined up. PBS 新闻Hour anchor Judy Woodruff and CNN politics host John King will analyze the 2020 presidential election; Seattle Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll (’73, ’78) will discuss motivational leadership; Jane Chu, former chairperson of the National Endowment for the Arts, 会谈论艺术吗, citizenry and the creative economy; U.S. Appeals Court Justice Connie Callahan (’75) and U.S. District Judge Morrison England (’76, ’83) will examine the state of the judiciary; Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs will detail his Economic Empowerment Demonstration; Sacramento Kings COO Matina Kolokotronis (’89) will explore 专业 sports in the COVID era, and Jose Hernandez (’84) will discuss his career as an astronaut.

“研究 Tuesday” sessions will feature presentations of cutting-edge re搜索 by professors, graduate students and undergraduates. Plus, Pacificans will get to talk with our coaches and great athletes of the past. 我们正在推出一个新的读书会系列,邀请顶级教授和学术领袖探索从领导力到多样性等广泛主题的书籍, 公平与包容. And we will have a weekly series exploring different cultures around the world.

Experiential learning is a central component of the Pacific experience, 我们还将提供一系列丰富的服务,包括远程实习、其他专业和研究经历,以及招聘会和如何找工作的会议, 如何制作简历, how to effectively use LinkedIn and how to optimize the Pacific alumni network.

Personal growth and development are an essential part of the collegiate experience. Led by the Division of 学生生活, there will be an engaging series of community building and social events, from game nights and concerts to civic engagement activities and social justice development experiences. 学生 will be invited to engage in gatherings for the success of students of color, first-generation college students and gender identity workshops. ASuop将继续举办大大小小的活动,以促进社区发展,并与全球各地的朋友交流. 另外, 我们150个学生社团中的很多, organizations and associations are planning activities and events throughout the semester.

The college experience also is about having some pure fun. We will be creating communities for virtual trivia games, 寻宝活动, virtual reality games and an expanded series of eSports competitions. There even will be the opportunity for students, faculty and 工作人员 to engage in a weekly session called “Cooking with the Cabinet,,其中总统, 教务长, vice presidents and deans will try to demonstrate and share their favorite recipes with you.


Our residential apartments on the 萨克拉门托校园 will remain unaffected. 在斯托克顿校区, 我们将不得不在秋季学期大幅减少允许住在宿舍的学生人数. 我们正在与县卫生官员合作,看看今年秋天斯托克顿校区有多少我们大学运营的校园公寓可以使用. 住宅生活和住房将于下周通过他们的太平洋电子邮件地址向居民发送当前住房合同的电子邮件,提供更多细节.

与此同时, 学生健康服务, 咨询和心理服务以及残疾学生服务都将远程提供. In fact, Pacific has increased resources for counseling services for this fall.


我们知道,新冠肺炎疫情给许多学生和家庭带来了巨大的经济困难. In addition to new grants for 专业 and graduate students, Pacific announced in spring undergraduate scholarships of $1,450 a year for up to four years for all eligible undergraduates. Those are among the largest and most comprehensive COVID-related scholarships in the nation. 另外, we are waiving all course fees for the fall semester, and the 斯托克顿校区 recreation fee also will be waived for the fall semester. 博彩平台网址大全将继续通过联邦勤工俭学计划远程雇佣尽可能多的学生. 最后, for students who need assistance in connecting remotely for their Pacific classes, funds will be available to help subsidize personal technology needs. 这还不包括今年早些时候直接向学生分发的200多万美元联邦COVID援助,以及我们的学生将在新学年获得的总计9000万美元太平洋奖学金.


Despite the disruptions and hardships caused by COVID-19, 我们有信心,我们的太平洋学生将在整个秋季学期继续获得极好的教育和个人体验. And with California leading the nation in COVID-related standards and regulations, 我们相信,我们的地区将处于有利地位,使我们能够在春季学期全面开放所有博彩平台网址大全,提供校内学习和全住宿生活.

We will have Zoom sessions on Monday for students, faculty and 工作人员 — both universitywide and school-specific — for any questions about the fall semester. 我们期待在那里见到你.

保持安全. 保持好. 保持强劲.




Provost and Executive Vice 总统