The LLM in Transnational Business Practice trains lawyers to practice in the field of international business law. The degree further prepares lawyers for a career in the global economy.

A program highlight is access to the McGeorge Global Center for Business & 发展, which stands at the interface between the global economy and the legal profession. The Global Center facilitates scholarship and curricular innovation, and hosts a number of international events every year.

three students in front of the capitol
  • 获得 实践经验
  • 享受 与JD学生一起上课
  • 受益于 教师专业知识 in the international law field
  • Work with the Director of 研究生 & 国际项目 tailor your course selection 去见你的 的职业目标
  • 能进麦克乔治餐厅吗 校友基础广泛 who work in international law firms in more than 64 countries
  • 加入一个 法律系学生社团, McGeorge faculty, and alumni, and receive special assistance in adjusting to student life 在美国

"The Transnational Business Practice LLM was a wonderful experience for me, both academically and career-wise and, by giving me the opportunity to build strong and lasting relationships. The program prepared me for a number of career paths and provided me with the unique opportunity of interning with an international law firm in Phoenix. I am happy to say that the program exceeded my expectations and has been instrumental in my professional development." — Yanying Li, '09, Assistant Legal Counsel at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague

Our 24-unit LLM program has three required courses, (1) a substantive course: Transnational Litigation or International Business Transactions; (2) LLM Legal Writing, 研究, and Analysis; and (3) Legal English for those trained in law outside of the United States, which is tailored to introduce students to common law courts, 来源, 法律推理, techniques of legal re搜索 and writing. The remaining course units can be customized 去见你的 individual 的职业目标.

You have the option to complete an externship for credit with an international law firm, or to engage in advanced scholarship by pursuing a Master's Thesis or Directed 研究 Project.

You may tailor the rest of your academic studies by choosing from a variety of elective courses in substantive areas of U.S. Domestic Business 法律 and International 法律. The director of the 研究生课程 will personally meet with you to go over your academic study plan.

Candidates may also be permitted to enroll in other elective courses relevant to transnational business practice not listed above. Note: Not all electives listed above are offered in every academic year.


课程 单位
商业协会 4
Business Transactions: The Art of the Deal 2
商法 3
法律冲突 3
合同 4
著作权法 2
海外腐败行为 1
Directed 研究, 研究生 Level 1 or 2
就业法 3
欧盟法 1 or 3
联邦所得税 3
Federal Securities Regulation 3
Foreign Investment and 发展 3
移民法律及政策 3
International and Foreign Legal 研究 2
国际银行 2
International Business Transactions 3
国际仲裁 3
International Economic 法律 3
International Negotiations 2
International Trade — Public Aspects 3
硕士论文 3 to 6
中介 3
Negotiation and Settlements Seminar 2 or 3
专利法 3
国际公法 3
货物销售 3
Survey of Intellectual Property 法律 3
Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders 3
Taxation of Partnerships and S Corporations 3
商标法 2
U.S. & International Sale of Goods 2
U.S. 反垄断 & International Competition 法律 2
U.S. Taxation of International Transactions 3


联系毕业生 & International 项目 Office
电子邮件 | 916.739.7353 or 916.739.7019


麦克LLM & JSD项目